
Ecere Corporation receives OGC Community Impact Award

The award recognizes OGC members who, through exceptional leadership, volunteerism, collaboration, and investment, have positively impacted the geospatial community.

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has announced Ecere Corporation, represented by Jérôme Jacovella-St-Louis, as the latest recipient of the OGC Community Impact Award. The award was presented last night at the Executive and VIP Dinner of the 128th OGC Member Meeting in Delft, The Netherlands.

The Community Impact Award is given by OGC to highlight and recognize those members of the OGC Community who, through their exceptional leadership, volunteerism, collaboration, and investment, have had a positive impact on the wider geospatial community.

Gobe Hobona, OGC Director of Product Management, Standards, commented: “Jérôme and colleagues from Ecere have been active participants of most OGC Code Sprints over the past five years, as well as contributors to several activities of Standards Working Groups. Their willingness to assist other participants during Code Sprints has helped to get many participants up to speed and to boost the work of the Code Sprints’ community of experts.

“Jérôme has also been a steadfast advocate of OGC Standards for symbology and portrayal, as demonstrated by his engagement of the cartographic community on the next generation of OGC web mapping and portrayal Standards. This engagement has facilitated the collaboration between the OGC and its partner communities in the cartographic domain.”

“Jérôme has been a key enabler for the implementation of OGC Standards,” added Joana Simoes, OGC Developer Relations. “Besides providing extremely complete implementations in GNOSIS, which can be used by others as a reference, he has always been available to help other projects – both online through Github and in-person during Code Sprints. Many OSGeo projects have improved their standards support thanks to GitHub issues filed or answered by Jérôme.”

Notably, Jérôme is also the Co-Chair of five OGC Standards Working Groups: OGC API – Common SWG, Coverages SWG, Styles & Symbology Encoding SWG, Discrete Global Grid Systems SWG, and OGC API – Tiles SWG. In addition to this, Jérôme is also Co-Editor of the OGC API – Maps, OGC API – Processes – Part 3: Workflows, OGC CDB 2.0 – Part 2: GeoPackage Data Store, and OGC API – 3D GeoVolumes Standards.

Ecere Corporation has, and continues to, make an impact within the OGC Community through their active leadership, collaboration, and engagement across numerous OGC Code Sprints, Collaborative Solutions and Innovation Program (COSI) Initiatives, Working Groups, and Member Meetings.

The OGC Community Impact award highlights the importance of collaboration, volunteering time and energy, advancing technologies and Standards, raising awareness, and helping solve critical issues across the geospatial community. Jérôme and Ecere Corporation exemplify all of these qualities in their tireless work during Code Sprints and across so many Standards Working Groups.