December 3 - December 5, 2024
Innovation Days DC
American Red Cross Headquarters, Washington DC
Innovation Days DC is the premier annual Open Geospatial Consortium meeting in Washington, DC. The theme of the 2024 meeting is Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) Futures. Through as series of presentations, panel discussions, and collaborative activities, participants will have the opportunity to:
Gain insights into OGC Standards-driven geospatial technologies for performant, scalable SDIs
Collaborate with a diverse community geospatial experts
Network with leaders and technologists from government, industry, and academia
Innovation Days DC will begin with an opening keynote by Josh Delmonico, Executive Director of the Federal Geographic Data Committee. This talk will set the stage for a panel discussion on the future of SDIs. Next, a series of lightning talks will cover critical uses of geospatial data, including climate change, smart cities, and open science. The first day will conclude with a roundtable collaboration, giving participants the opportunity to discuss climate data interoperability challenges and identify solutions.
The second day will begin with a keynote, followed by a panel exploring how the rapid adoption of AI has impacted the integrity, provenance, and trust in geospatial data and analyses. A second roundtable collaboration focused on AI applications and outcomes will provide practical insights into the integration of AI with SDIs. The third day features a hands-on training session on OGC APIs and an invite-only meeting of the OGC Strategic Member Advisory Committee.
Each Innovation Days DC session advances the OGC vision of building the future of location with community and technology for the good of society. Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is a critical component for pushing this vision forward.
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Tuesday Dec 3rd 09:00 - 10:30Opening Ceremony & Keynote - Josh Delmonico10:30 - 11:00Break11:00 - 12:00Panel Discussion: A shared vision for SDI futures12:00 - 13:30Lunch13:30 - 14:30Expert Lightning Talks: Climate Change, Open Science, Smart Cities14:30 - 15:00Break15:00 - 17:00Roundtable Collaboration: Climate data interoperability17:00 - 19:00Wrap up & Networking Event
Wednesday Dec 4th 09:00 - 09:15Day 1 Recap9:15 - 10:30Keynote10:30 - 11:00Break11:00 - 12:00Panel Discussion: Artificial Intelligence, Integrity, Provenance, and Trust 12:00 - 13:30Lunch13:30 - 15:30Roundtable Collaboration: AI - Geospatial Applications and Outcomes15:30 - 16:00Break16:00 - 17:00Innovation Days Outcomes and Future Directions
Thursday Dec 5th 09:00 - 12:00Strategic Member Advisory Committee Meeting (Invite only)09:00 - 12:00OGC API Training Workshop12:00 - 13:30Lunch
Registration Opens Soon
OGC event