
Federated Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Pilot: Data Integration at the Land-Sea Interface

The FMSDI pilot initiative tackles Land-Sea Interoperability challenges with two leading questions: What needs to be captured and defined in best practices so that inter-agency interoperability for white ribbon data can be ensured in the future? How can existing data sets be integrated dynamically, i.e. at runtime with minimal information loss across land-sea, sea-land boundaries?

Where the sea meets the land, data, relationships and modeling concepts from two communities collide. Nevertheless, many scenarios require seamless, reliable and consistent integration of data and data analysis from both sides. Different approaches in environmental, terrestrial, meteorological, and marine agencies, for example in scaling or temporal and spatial aggregation, combined with uneven data density and spatial coverage, lead to inter-agency interoperability issues in the intertidal zone, often referred to as the “white band” or “white ribbon”. The OGC Federated Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (FMSDI) pilot initiative tackles these challenges with two leading questions:

  • What needs to be captured and defined in best practices so that inter-agency interoperability for white ribbon data can be ensured in the future?
  • How can existing data sets be integrated dynamically, i.e. at runtime with minimal information loss across land-sea, sea-land boundaries?

While the first question results in a framework for a future best practice document, the second part will produce software demonstrators that illustrate data integration across communities and agencies. Interested? Join us for this exciting initiative! The Call for Participation has been released and is available online (pdf version available here). Please submit your proposal before Nov 10, 2024. If you have any questions, please fill out the following form.

A Q&A session occurred on October 22, 2024. If you were unable to attend, please see the Q&A meeting recording here. The Q&A are also documented in the Call for Participation.

This pilot initiative is sponsored by OGC Strategic Members UK Hydrograpic Office and the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.