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OGC Seeks Input For Geographic Web Services Testbeds

jharrison [at] opengeospatial.orgMarch 9, 2001: The Open GIS Consortium, Inc (OGC) announced today its intent to release a Request for Technology (RFT) for a major Web Services Initiative.This set of six planned activities will extend OpenGIS standards, enabling freer access to web services that process geographic information.The Web Services Initiative will build on the results of previous OGC testbeds and pilot projects and the work of the OGC Technical Committee and other standards organizations.Major focus areas of the Web Services Initiative are: – Web Mapping Testbed, Phase 3 will consolidate the progress made in previous testbeds with work accomplished in OGC Web Services Initiative threads.This activity will also investigate future web services for visualization, feature and coverage data access, and other services.

OGC GML 2 On the Way to Adoption

Lockheed Martin Management & Data Systems (M&DS) will fund Stephens assignment as part of LMCs strategic membership in OGC.During his one-year assignment, Stephens will work as a member of OGC staff focusing on the Interoperability Program.He will also provide support to the OGC Specification Program and continue in his capacity as LMCs representative to the OGC Technical Committee.David Schell, President of OGC, noted, Jim brings with him a remarkable mix of skills and experience to OGCs Interoperability Program – in this position, he will be able to provide tremendous value to OGC members and programs.We are very pleased to be renewing our Strategic Membership with Lockheed Martin and look forward to a continuation of our unique and productive relationship.

Open Standard For Geographic Image Processing Made Public

Wayland, MA, USA, February 27, 2001: Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) announced that the OpenGIS Grid Coverages Implementation Specification, which reached general consensus in OGC last year, has been finalized and released to the public.Interoperability for a wider range of image operations awaits the OpenGIS Image Exploitation Services Specification, which is in progress in OGCs Technical Committee.The OpenGIS Grid Coverages Implementation Specification sets forth an extensible framework supporting the industrys progress toward interoperable geographic image processing and analysis.The OpenGIS Grid Coverages Implementation Specification was written with COM and CORBA implementations in mind, but is general enough in nature to be extended to include other Distributed Computing Platforms (DCPs) such as JAVA.The specification allows for efficient access to very large datasets, and supports N dimensions even though most implementations of the specification will be 2D.

OGC Standardizes Digital Map Coordinate Transformations

Wayland, MA, USA, February 27, 2001: Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) announced that the OpenGIS Coordinate Transformation Services Implementation Specification, which reached general consensus in OGC last year, has been finalized and released to the public.Coordinate transformation refers to mathematical processing that enables overlay of digital maps that use different coordinate reference systems, that is, map projections and earth measurement systems.In part because coordinate reference systems are complex and diverse, geographic information systems (GIS) and earth imaging systems have required too much expertise to become part of mainstream computing.Cadcorps marketing executive Chris Holcroft said, Cadcorp responded to the OGC Request for Proposals to develop both a Coordinate System package to handle multidimensional coordinates and a Coordinate Transformation package that allows points to be transformed between any two coordinate systems.The OpenGIS standard now includes facilities for compound coordinate systems such as those used in the petroleum industry, as well as facilities for resource defaults that will make web-based operation more efficient.

Lockheed Martin Coorporation Sponsors Assignment of James Stephens to OGC Staff for One-year Assignment

Wayland, MA, USA, February 27, 2001: The Open GIS Consortium (OGC) and Lockheed Martin Corporation (LMC) jointly announced recently that James Stephens of LMC has been named as Deputy Program Manager for OGCs Interoperability Program.Lockheed Martin Management & Data Systems (M&DS) will fund Stephens assignment as part of LMCs strategic membership in OGC.During his one-year assignment, Stephens will work as a member of OGC staff focusing on the Interoperability Program.By making this commitment to building OGCs Interoperability Program, Lockheed Martin is making a valuable contribution to the development of interoperable geoprocessing and at the same time making a significant leadership statement to the community.We are very pleased to be renewing our Strategic Membership with Lockheed Martin and look forward to a continuation of our unique and productive relationship.

OGC Solicits Requests for Quotation in Support of a Military Pilot Project

Sponsored by the US Army Engineering and Development Center (ERDC), this pilot project will draw on technology developers and integrators to demonstrate the power of OGC specifications and interoperable products in support of national, multinational and coalition defense operations.Additional details on the Military Pilot Project and the Phase I Request for Quotation can be found at .OGCs fast-track Interoperability Program, organized to work in conjunction with its consensus-based specifications process, accelerates the development of interoperable infrastructures by means of hands on prototyping.As part of OGCs Interoperability Program, the WMT MPP will benefit from OGC proven practices to deliver results in minimal time.For additional information, please contact Mr. Jeff Harrison, the Interoperability Program Director for OGC, at (703) 628-8655, or.

OGC Launches the Open Location Services Initiative

Arlington, VA, February 1, 2001 Open GIS Consortium (OGC) held a Sponsors meeting January 30 to announce the launch of the first test bed of the Open Location Services (OpenLS) Initiative.With the OpenLS Initiative, OGC will deliver open specification interfaces for interoperable location-based application services and client applications by using its collaborative, rapid-paced, hands-on engineering program.Many industry analysts believe that open standards will be a catalyst in the growth of the nascent location services industry and will greatly facilitate the efforts of both buyers and providers of interoperable location-based applications and services.OGC introduced plans for harmonizing OpenLS specifications with other industry forums and standards organizations such as the Location Interoperability Forum (LIF).Several OGC OpenLS harmonization liaison efforts already underway drew support and positive feedback from the industry participants.

Mark Reichardt Joins OGC Staff

On December 12, 2000, the Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) announced that Mark Reichardt joined the OGC team in November 2000 as Director of Marketing and Public Sector Programs.Mr. Reichardt joins OGC after leaving a successful 20-year career with the federal government.Since 1980, Mr. Reichardt has been involved in key federal mapping and geospatial programs.David Schell, President of OGC, said about Mr. Reichardts new role, We are extremely fortunate to have Mark Reichardt working for OGC.In this position, Mr. Reichardt helped to establish globally compatible national and regional SDI practices in Africa, South America, Europe, and the Caribbean.

OGC Announces Web Mapping Testbed Military Pilot Project

The Web Mapping Testbed Military Pilot Project (WMT MPP) will bring the combined technological skills and problem solving power of over 200 OGC member companies and organizations to the complex interoperability challenges facing next-generation military geospatial infrastructure development.The objectives of the WMT MPP are to: – Incrementally evolve a multinational technology base and vendor pool.- Develop and demonstrate prototype interoperable infrastructures based on OGC Specifications and configuration-controlled commercial components.- Promote interoperable geospatial infrastructure development in classified and unclassified network environments.David Schell, President of OGC explained, The Web Mapping Testbed Military Pilot Project is an excellent opportunity for defense and intelligence organizations to strengthen communications, affect the interoperable technology development process, and reduce the cost of realizing standards-conformant geospatial infrastructures.

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