
The OGC Community is represented by a wide range of leaders and technical experts that reach across virtually all things geospatial. With the power of standards and domain working groups, forums, and projects, OGC continues to push the boundaries of innovation and collaboration.

OGC’s community is also broken up into several additional committees, forums, and partners to ensure that the consortium is able to deliver on its promise of being open, transparent, and FAIR. Our committees are the core of OGC with staff and member driven groups, our forums represent an entire globe of engaged leaders, and our alliance partners help the consortium tackle issues.

There are many ways to become a part of the community of OGC. See our latest events, get updated on OGC news, or join now.

Join a Growing Community


OGC standards are the result of an international consensus-based process of technical content-development followed by intense review and formal vote.

Regional Forums

OGC innovations, standards, and thought leadership are truly global and are represented by multiple forums. Each forum supports a range of functions in order to help organizations continue to evolve with industry best practices, interoperability, and the next generation of location technologies. In order to better support the many different regions that use OGC standards, OGC encourages the creation of regional forums that address the particular needs and circumstances of their regions.

Alliance Partners

Geospatial information is a cross-cutting requirement that’s critical to many different domains. As such, the OGC mission is aligned with the missions of many different organizations.

Upcoming events


January 17 – December 18, 2024

Climate & Disaster Resilience Seminars – 2024

The OGC Stakeholder Community Coordination Group, which brings together members of the Climate and Disaster Resilience communities, has lined up an exciting program of speakers and panels for the first part of 2024. The talks will showcase geospatial technologies and data (especially those leveraging OGC Standards) across a range of applications used in Climate and Disaster Resilience. The talks are free and open to the public. Anyone interested in how spatial data and technology can help us to improve climate and disaster resilience is encouraged to attend. Seminars are held monthly on the third Wednesday at 11:00-12:30 US Eastern. Each presentation/panel will run for around 30 minutes + time for Q&A. This will be followed by short updates on what\’s happening in relevant OGC Pilots and Working Groups, as well as any upcoming opportunities.

Preliminary Program for Winter/Spring 2024

datespeakertopic17 JanPaul English (Tracking California, Public Health Institute)Geospatial Environmental Health Products from the Public Health Institute21 FebAnna Liljedahl (Woodwell Climate Research Center)Permafrost Discovery Gateway – enabling big data creation and knowledge-generation to support Arctic communities20 MarchGrey Nearing and Avichai Tendler (Google)Google\’s Global Flood Forecasting Model and Fire Products17 AprilClimate Science + Open Science crossover panel – OSPD participantsHow can open science (geospatial) tools enable climate and disaster resilience?15 MayAllan Jamieson (Ordnance Survey)Can location create trust in supply chains?JuneNo seminar in JuneOGC Member Meeting – informal meetup17 JulyTee Barr (Verisk)Kate Vavra-Musser (University of Minnesota / iGuide)Title TBC21 AugustRyan Berkheimer (NOAA)Update on NOAA’s Open Information Stewardship Service (OISS)18 SeptemberTBCTitle TBC16 OctoberTBCTitle TBC20 NovemberKasia (Katarzyna) Marini (MedECC)Title TBC18 Decembertime change! – 8:00 EasternNeil Sims (CSIRO)Title TBC

How to join the seminars:

Link to use from your computer, tablet or smartphone: You can also dial in using your phone.United States: +1 (646) 749-3129Access Code: 119-959-205 Join from a video-conferencing room or system.Meeting ID: 119-959-205Dial in or type: or inroomlink.goto.comOr dial directly: 119959205@ or Members can also access the info using the OGC Portal Calendar.

OGC event


September 24 – September 26, 2024

12th International FIG Workshop on the Land Administration Domain Model & 3D Land Administration

The 12th International FIG Workshop on the Land Administration Domain Model & 3D Land Administration will take place in Kuching, Malaysia, 24-26 September 2024. It will be a joint event together with Geoinformation Week 2024 (including Exhibition from vendors), FIG Commission 5 (Positioning and Measurement) Annual Meeting, FIG Commission 7 (Cadastre and Land Management) Annual Meeting, UN Habitat Social Tenure Doman Model (STDM) FIG Workshop on the Land Administration Domain Model & 3D Land Administration The team of local organizers consists of the University of Technology Malaysia (UTM), the Sarawak Land and Survey Deptartment (JTS), and the Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM) Sarawak Branch. More information and registration for the joint event on (Announcement Letter). Workshop purpose: The workshop aims to bring together experts from the industry, government, and academia, to present and discuss LADM and/or 3D LA related developments including live demonstrations of LADM implementations (operational systems, pilots, prototypes). The workshop will also cover informal or customary rights (, restrictions, resposibilities) as exiting in many countries, next to the more formal rights that are being registered. UN-Habitat is using the LADM specialization STDM (Social Tenure Domain Model) in 17 countries to register these informal/customary rights. Also, UN-FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization)\’s SOLA (Solutions for Open Land Administration)/Open Tenure and USAID\’s MAST (Mobile Applications to Secure Tenure) infomation models are all based on LADM. Speakers who want to share their experiences on implementation are cordially invited to participate. This workshop will provide solid input to the \”Implementation\” part of Edition II of LADM, to be developed in collaboration with OGC. The workshop should enable making important choices, such as the technical encodings. Deadline for the submission of a 500 -1000 words extended abstracts is 1 June 2024 (and when accepted a full paper by 15 August 2024). Event website:

Community event


September 24 – September 24, 2024

ACCORD Digital Building Permit and Logbook Workshop at Sustainable Places 2024

Digital building logbooks and permit processes have the potential to make the building permit application process in municipalities more efficient, faster and more transparent. They also allow for more accurate planning and efficient use of resources, reducing waste and improving energy management in buildings. On the other hand, there are several challenges. The initial set-up costs of digital building permits and logbooks, including software development, hardware installation and staff training, can be significant. Concerns about data security and privacy can arise from storing sensitive building data in digital format. Resistance to change and lack of familiarity with digital tools among building control, permit applicants and management staff can also hinder user adoption. This workshop aims to create a common understanding of how digital building permit and logbook processes can contribute to economic, environmental and social sustainability. The workshop will bring together stakeholders to share knowledge and co-create a common understanding of the challenges and opportunities of digital building permits and logbook processes for sustainability. The workshop will be divided into two parts. The first part will include presentations from the ACCORD, DigiChecks, CHEK, Demo Blog projects, the European Network for Digital Building Permits (EUnet4DBP) and MSCA-DRF projects with an opportunity for questions from the audience. The second part will be an interactive workshop on the challenges and opportunities of digital building logbooks and building permit processes, addressing user perspectives on their contribution to sustainability and the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) for Life Cycle Assessment.  Practical information Date: 24th September 2024 Venue European Convention Centre Luxembourg (LU) – 4 Place de l’Europe 1499 Luxembourg Luxembourg.  Time: From 09:00 to 12:30 (CET). Registration: here (This is a paid event) Sustainable Places full programme: here 

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