
OGC, as a formal organization, must institute and follow a defined set of Policies and Procedures in order to fulfill its vision and mission. Below are links to information defining these policies and procedures as well as a few of the formal texts – the actual by laws and intellectual property documents – that cover the OGC methodology for doing business. Please make sure you refer to these on occasion as they are, by their nature, often revised.

Bylaws – The Board of Directors of the Open Geospatial Consortium approved the current Bylaws of Open Geospatial Consortium – Revised 16 December 2021. It replaces any and all prior versions of the Bylaws of the Open Geospatial Consortium. Copies of Bylaws versions prior to and including the last revision of 4 April 2019 are available upon request from the Consortium’s Secretary.

Principles of Conduct – govern personal and public interactions in any OGC activity.

Consortium Environmental Policy – To provide an effective framework for realizing OGC’s commitment to protecting and where possible, enhancing the environment by reducing the Organization’s environmental impacts, preventing pollution, mitigating and adapting to climate change and a low carbon future.

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) – The current OGC IPR Policy as adopted by the Board of Directors.

OGC Collaborative Solutions and Innovation Program Intellectual Property Rights Rules

Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures govern the operation of several OGC Committees, Subcommittees, and Programs. Specific policy documents are found below.

Legal Notices & Term and Conditions

OGC 06-135r7 Policy Directives for Writing and Publishing OGC Standards

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