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OGC Names Jeff Burnett VP Operations & Finance

WAYLAND, Mass.–July 10, 2000-The Board of Directors of the Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) recently approved the appointment of Jeff Burnett as Vice President, Operations and Finance.Jeff Burnett joins OGCs staff with over 20 years of experience in the information technology industry, including senior marketing and product management roles in both large and small software and systems companies, including Digital Equipment Corporation and Masscomp.David Schell, president of OGC, said, “OGC is extremely fortunate to have Jeff Burnett assuming these responsibilities in OGC during a period of rapid growth.Jeff brings the kind of experience and perspective we need to make a smooth transition as we expand our presence in the industry.OGCs 225 industry, government, and academic member organizations participate in a consensus process to integrate geoprocessing and location services into the worlds information infrastructures.

OGC Web Mapping Testbed Phase 2 RFQ Released

On April 28, 2000 the Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) issued a Request For Quotation (RFQ) and Call for Participation in the Web Mapping Testbed Phase 2, an OGC Interoperability Program Initiative.Like the highly successful first phase of the Web Mapping Testbed, the WMT-2 testbed project will – Employ spiral engineering methodologies with extensive participation of the commercial sector.- Ensure applicability of resulting interface specifications by performing integration of different vendor implementations of the interface specifications in integration experiments.Following the conclusion of WMT-1, testbed sponsors and participants provided requirements and requests for items to be considered during WMT-2.The on-going OGC Web Mapping Testbed Upper-Susquehanna Lackawanna (WMT USL) Pilot Project ( ) is also a source of requirements, requests, and new technical components for WMT-2.

OpenGIS Web Map Overlay Specification Released

On April 19 the Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) made the new OpenGIS (TM) Web Map Server Interface Implementation Specification available on its public web site ( ).Software with interfaces conforming to this specification will enable automatic overlay, in ordinary web browsers, of map images obtained from multiple dissimilar map servers, regardless of map scale, projection, earth coordinate system or digital format.Already, the OpenGIS Web Map Server Interface Specification works with catalog services defined in the OpenGIS Catalog Services Specification.The development of open standards and specifications will greatly accelerate our ability to access and understand geospatial information from multiple sources.The Web Mapping Team, both the organizations and individuals involved, are to be congratulated on their accomplishment.

OGC Calls For Participation In Geospatial Fusion Testbed

The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) today released a Request For Quotation (RFQ) to solicit technology proposals for the OGC Geospatial Fusion Services Testbed.The GFS Testbed Project is designed to support In-Q-Tel and its sponsor, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.This testbed is targeted to automate the fusion of inherent geospatial characteristics into an overall information framework.The interfaces for the automation technologies, which we call the Location Organizer, will form the foundation for future phases.It is the OGCs intention to coordinate this Testbed with the Web Mapping 2 Testbed, an RFQ for that is scheduled for public release on April 28, 2000.

OpenGIS Standard Enables Automatic Web Map Overlays

It enables automatic overlay, in ordinary web browsers, of map images obtained from multiple dissimilar map servers.This dramatic breakthrough ushers in the long-awaited integration of where information into information systems.In coming months, vendors of these systems will implement the OpenGIS Web Map Server Interface Specification and other OpenGIS standards in software upgrades and new software.Map and imagery suppliers will make their data available over the Web through these vendors OpenGIS-conformant servers.The OpenGIS Web Map Server Interface Specification works with catalog services defined in the OpenGIS Catalog Services Specification.

OGC Seeks Input On Web Mapping Standard

Wayland, MA, USA, December 13, 1999: The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) today issued Requests for Comment on its pending OpenGIS Web Map Server Interface Specification and OpenGIS Geography Markup Language (GML) Specification.The OpenGIS Web Map Server Interface Specification provides a set of open protocols that will make it possible for users of ordinary web browsers to obtain and automatically overlay map layers of the same geographic region, where each layer is a view into geographic data potentially held by a different web server.GML is a method for encoding OpenGIS Simple Features (basic vector-based geographic data) in XML.In the OpenGIS Web Mapping Testbed, the Web Map Server was used with catalog services defined in the OpenGIS Catalog Services Specification, which provides a common architecture for online automated directories or registries of web-based geospatial data and geoprocessing services, rather like spatial search engines.OGC is an international, not-for-profit organization working toward integration of geospatial capabilities into the worlds information systems.

Breakthrough In Web-Based Geographic Information

Much geospatial data is currently available on the web, but users must possess considerable expertise and special geographic information system (GIS) software to overlay or otherwise combine different map layers of the same geographic region.The Web Mapping Testbed will greatly accelerate our ability to access and understand geospatial information from multiple sources.The Web Mapping Testbed is the first of OGCs planned Interoperability Initiatives, which involve sponsors and participants.For the Web Mapping Testbed, Lockheed Martin Management and Data Systems provided integration support, logistical support, and a testbed laboratory.OGC is an international, not-for-profit organization working toward integration of geospatial capabilities into the worlds information systems.

New Open Technology For Maps On The Web

Wayland, MA, USA, August 24, 1999: Maps and map queries will become a much more important part of the Web thanks to two key interoperability standards passed by members of the Open GIS Consortium (OGC) on August 13 in Southampton, England.The standards will make it much easier for businesses, citizens, and governments to find, view, pan, zoom, overlay, and query geographical images and maps on the Worldwide Web.The new OpenGIS Grid Coverages Specification and OpenGIS Distributed Catalog Services Specification, combined with the already available OpenGIS Simple Features Specification and technology from OGCs Web Mapping Testbed, provide means for unprecedented interoperability between systems that use geospatial data.Catalog Services refers to a common architecture for online automated directories of geodata and geoprocessing services, rather like spatial search engines.We are adding where to the kinds of questions the web can answer.

Open Technology For A Spatially Enabled Web Announced

The new OpenGIS Grid Coverages Specification and OpenGIS Distributed Catalog Services Specification, combined with the already available OpenGIS Simple Features Specification and technology from OGCs Web Mapping Testbed, provide the means for unprecedented interoperability between systems that use geospatial data.In OGC, Grid Coverages refers to satellite images, digital aerial photos, digital elevation data, and other kinds of data represented in a grid cell or raster coordinate system.(Interoperability for a wider range of image operations awaits the OpenGIS Image Exploitation Services Specification, which is in progress in OGCs Technical Committee.)- Create and maintain collections of universally discoverable geospatial data sets, including a metadata set and metadata entities associated with each stored data set.- Retrieve complete or partial forms of geodata resources, including entire geospatial data sets or geographical subsections of data sets, returned to the requestor as a file or set of files.

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