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NASA Now a Strategic Member of OGC

Wayland, MA, June 4, 2002 – The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) announced that the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) upgraded its membership level from Principal Member to Strategic Member.NASA has been a member of OGC since its founding in 1994.GIO holds the OGC membership for NASA and coordinates participation in OGC activities.NASAs Earth Science Enterprise (ESE) goal to develop advanced information technologies for processing, archiving, accessing, visualizing, and communicating Earth science data is consistent with OGCs vision.As a Strategic Member, NASA will contribute significant in-kind support, providing, for example, specification revisions, discussion papers, proposals, and tutorials, as well as chairing Working Groups and Special Interest Groups.

Federal Geographic Data Committee Chooses OGC Strategic Membership

Wayland, MA, June 04, 2002 – The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) announced that the US Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) has raised its membership level from Principal Member to Strategic Member.This action will further the organizations collaborative efforts to realize the vision of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI): To make geospatial data readily available locally, nationally, and globally to contribute to economic growth, environmental quality, stability, and social progress.FGDC recognizes OGCs development of specifications and interoperable technologies as an enabler of National and Global Spatial Data Infrastructures.Its primary responsibilities include the coordination of geographic data activities at the federal level and for federal leadership in the development and implementation of the NSDI.The FGDC is the Project Lead for the Administrations E-Gov Geospatial One Stop Initiative and is the Executive Secretariat for the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Steering Committee.

OGC and AGILE Partner to Weave GI Educators and Students into the Future of GeoSpatial Interoperability

On behalf of AGILEs Council, President Mauro Salvemini notes We have the highest appreciation for the agreement in the framework of offering more opportunities to AGILE members, which are mainly university laboratories and therefore offer the participation of young researchers and students.Moreover the MOU reinforces the opportunity for closer interaction of AGILE members with the IT industry.David Schell, OGC president, commented, Education is absolutely key in developing and growing interoperability across the globe.European universities have contributed to interoperability and OGC in variety of ways with a perspective unavailable elsewhere.We are most pleased that AGILE sees the synergy of the two organizations and encourage other educationally focused GIS groups and universities to join us.

OGC Issues Critical Infrastructure Call for Communities

On May 22, 2002, the Open GIS Consortium (OGC) issued a Call for Communities (CFC) to express interest in participating in future OGC interoperability initiatives.Both activities are designed to improve sharing of geographic information in support of Critical Infrastructure Protection and National Spatial Data Infrastructure.The Critical Infrastructure Protection Initiative (CIPI), to commence in the near future, offers a potential venue for community engagement in the OGC process.Infrastructure, including telecommunications, transportation, energy, banking and finance, water supply, emergency services, health services, and government services, is termed critical infrastructure if failure or destruction of some infrastructure element can cause major economic and social harm.Because infrastructure systems are made up of geographically located physical assets and people, organizations that cooperate to protect critical infrastructure must be able to share information that captures the where and when of infrastructure elements.

OGC Intergraph Mapping and GIS Solutions Becomes OGC Strategic Member

Wayland, MA, May 13, 2002 – The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) announced today that Intergraph Mapping and GIS Solutions, a business division of Intergraph Corporation, has upgraded its OGC membership to the Strategic level – the Consortiums highest level of membership.Intergraph will engage in strategic planning as a member of both the OGC Planning Committee and as a member of the newly formed OGC Strategic Advisory Committee.Making the investment to become an OGC strategic member is a natural next step for our company and our strategic direction.Intergraph Mapping and GIS Solutions brings together geospatial and information technology to help customers achieve their business goals.Intergraph Mapping and GIS Solutions is a division of Intergraph Corporation (NASDAQ: INGR), Huntsville, Ala., and does business in more than 60 countries through its wholly owned subsidiaries and global distributor and partner network.

OGC Multi-Hazard Mapping Initiative Demonstration Planned for May 9

The Open GIS Consortiums (OGC) Multi-Hazard Mapping Initiative Phase 1 (MMI-1) is tackling just that question in preparation for a public demonstration on May 9, 2002.OGC members participating in this initiative include CubeWerx, Compusult, SAIC, ESRI, Harvard Design and Mapping (HDM) and MapInfo.The Multi-Hazard Mapping Initiative demonstration will involve two fictional use cases, each focusing on different types of hazards.The demonstration will call upon data such as historic storm paths, flood maps, roads, hazard probability maps, and demographic information.MMI is part of the OGC Interoperability Program, a global, collaborative, hands-on engineering and testing program designed to deliver proven candidate interface specifications into the OGC Specification Development Program.

Carl Katz Joins OGC as Director of Documentation and Knowledge Management

Wayland, MA, USA, April 19, 2002 – The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) announces that Carl Katz has joined the organization as Director of Documentation and Knowledge Management.Prior to joining OGC, Mr. Katz was the Director of Knowledge Management for USPowerSolutions, where he developed programs to improve enterprise collaboration, document management, corporate education, product development, and process adoption.Before USPowerSolutions, Mr. Katz held technical documentation management positions with several Boston-area software companies, including HPR, Inc., INTERSOLV, and the Reed Elsevier Technology Group.He will guide the development of an OGC Document Knowledge Portal to support rapid discovery of and access to information in OGC technical documents.In addition, Mr. Katz will chair and participate in the OGC Document Subcommittee and will oversee the technical writing and editing of OGC documents.

OGC and AMI-C Partner to Explore Cross Industry Interoperability for Location Services

This cooperation extends into electronic location services and navigation programs, processes and related specifications released by AMI-C and OGC.AMI-C represents automobile manufacturers and has been at work to standardize an interface for communications and entertainment systems for vehicles.This work is of particular interest to OGC because it facilitates an interoperable solution for delivering services that depend on location and geoprocessing into vehicles.OGC has a keen interest in working directly with the auto industry, and AMI-C, as the common voice for automakers, enables the development of coherent specifications.AMI-C is developing specifications for common automotive multimedia and telematics interfaces.

OGC Demonstrates Geographic Web Services Interoperability

On March 7, 2002, OGC members completed an on-line OGC Web Services (OWS) 1.1 demonstration in which a variety of commercial and government geoprocessing servers, clients and middleware seamlessly communicated using interoperability interfaces.The OWS 1.1 demonstration scenario developed by the sponsors challenged participating technology developers and integrators to implement interoperability capabilities that address specific critical disaster management needs.Interfaces based on OGCs draft Sensor Web Specifications enabled discovery of and real-time access to measurements from meteorological, water quality, air quality, and seismic sensors.The OGC Web Coverage Service was demonstrated accessing a variety of imagery including visible, hyperspectral and radar.For more information, contact Mr. Jeff Harrison, Executive Director, OGC Interoperability Program, by telephone at (703) 628-8655, or by e-mail at.

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