Request Closed: February 6, 2024 9:00 am — February 27, 2024 11:59 pm (AoE)
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) seeks public comment on the potential adoption of openEO as an OGC Community Standard. Comments are due by February 27, 2024.
openEO defines an open API that connects clients in languages such as R, Python, and JavaScript to big Earth Observation cloud back-ends in a simple and unified way.
The openEO specifications aim at increasing the interoperability of processing “big EO data,” e.g., satellite imagery, in the cloud. It can be used to add an interoperability layer on top of existing services.
The primary use case is to simplify and unify the data processing using a common API with a set of pre-defined processes. openEO is beneficial for users as they can still work in their favored programming language without worrying about data organization and pre-processing. Users can avoid vendor lock-in as the generated process descriptions can be executed at multiple providers. As such, it also allows users to compare and reproduce processing results more easily between different providers.
openEO is an open source project and the specification consists of two parts: The openEO API, an HTTP API description specified as an OpenAPI document; and the openEO Processes, a set of predefined processes defined following the openEO process description in JSON that is defined in the openEO API specification. Both specifications are released under the Apache 2.0 license and are publicly available via the openEO GitHub Organization. The project is governed by the openEO Project Steering Committee.
The openEO API builds on top of other Standards and specifications and reuses other Standards whenever possible. openEO’s basis is HTTP with JSON as request and response encoding. The API specification reuses building blocks from OGC API – Common. openEO adheres to the STAC API specification, which is based on the OGC API – Features Standard.
openEO is backed by various tools and resources that facilitate its use. These include a variety of server and client implementations, including a web interface for non-programmers and a server implementation that can run locally in a Python environment.
The openEO Community Standard Work Item Justification Document (24-002) (.HTML) is available for review and comment on the OGC Portal. Comments are due by February 27, 2024, and should be submitted via the method below.
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