January 8, 2020

Participate in OGC’s Testbed-16 and shape the future of location technologies

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Testbed-16 provides a unique, funded opportunity to join the collaborative research at OGC. Boost your R&D, make contact with major geospatial players, and develop future business opportunities.

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is calling for participation in its next major Innovation Initiative, Testbed-16. Funding is available to offset the cost of participation.

Testbed-16 will address some of the hottest geospatial IT topics of this new decade: Earth Observation Clouds; Data Integration, Interoperability & Analytics; Data Containers; and Security. 

To learn more about participating in an OGC Testbed, join us for a Q&A Webinar on the 28th January, 2020. To apply to participate in Testbed-16, respond to the Call For Participation by February 9, 2020. 

OGC Testbeds, an annual activity of OGC’s Innovation Program, are fast-paced, multi-vendor, collaborative efforts where participants follow a rapid prototyping approach to design, develop, and test solutions to sponsors’ location-related problems. OGC Testbeds give room for research and new ideas, while also exploring the “fitness for use” of existing standards and solutions.

OGC Testbed results, in the form of Engineering Reports, are provided to OGC’s Standards Program, where they are reviewed, revised, and potentially advanced as new international open standards. 

Organizations participating in Testbeds therefore gain a ‘first to market’ competitive advantage and early first-hand knowledge of the latest industry standards.

Each year, OGC Testbeds integrate requirements and ideas from a number of different sponsors. This pooling of ideas and requirements creates several symbiotic effects. In response to these ideas and requirements, Testbed-16 will address the following topics:

  • Earth Observation Clouds* and Jupyter Notebooks
  • Data Access and Processing API for Geospatial Data
  • Discrete Global Grid System
  • Aviation
  • Machine Learning
  • Full Motion Video and Moving Features
  • Analysis Ready Data
  • Data Centric Security and Federated Security
  • GeoPackage
  • OpenAPI

* For useful background information on the EOC Architecture developed in OGC initiatives over the last 2 years, see the previously issued OGC Earth Observation Applications Pilot CFP.

Watch this short video on YouTube about how OGC’s Innovation Program can benefit your organization.

Anyone interested in learning more about, or participating in, Testbed-16 should contact techdesk [at] opengeospatial.org

Further information, including the official Call For Participation document and details of the January 28, 2020 Q&A Webinar, is available on the Testbed-16 webpage. The CFP submission deadline is February 9, 2020. The project will start with a kick-off meeting scheduled for early April, 2020.

Participation is open to everyone.

About OGC
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is an international consortium of more than 530 businesses, government agencies, research organizations, and universities driven to make geospatial (location) information and services FAIR – Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.
OGC’s member-driven consensus process creates royalty free, publicly available geospatial standards. Existing at the cutting edge, OGC actively analyzes and anticipates emerging tech trends, and runs an agile, collaborative Research and Development (R&D) lab that builds and tests innovative prototype solutions to members’ use cases.
OGC members together form a global forum of experts and communities that use location to connect people with technology and improve decision-making at all levels. OGC is committed to creating a sustainable future for us, our children, and future generations.
Visit ogc.org for more info on our work.

About OGC

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is a membership organization dedicated to using the power of geography and technology to solve problems faced by people and the planet. OGC unlocks value and opportunity for its members through Standards, Innovation, and Policy & Advocacy. Our membership represents a diverse and active global community drawn from government, industry, academia, international development agencies, research & scientific organizations, civil society, and advocates

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