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DATABIO, EC grant agreement 732064, is a large-scale application pilot co-funded by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 call H2020-ICT-2016-1.
DATABIO focuses on the data intensive target sector Data-Driven Bioeconomy. More specifically, DATABIO explores the potential of Big Data integration and analytics in the domains agriculture, forestry, and fishery/aquaculture; taking into account interoperability and sustainability aspects in the heterogeneous European bioeconomy landscape.
DATABIO proposes to deploy a state of the art big data platform on top of existing partners’ infrastructure and solutions, the Big DATABIO Platform. DATABIO features continuous cooperation of experts from end user and technology provider companies, from bioeconomy and technology research institutes, standardization organizations such as OGC, and of other partners, mainly of the public administration sector. A series of pilots allows associated partners and other stakeholders to get actively involved in the project.
Based on a detailed requirements gathering and analysis, the pilots are implemented utilizing and selecting the best suitable market ready or almost market ready Big Data and Earth Observation methods, technologies, tools and services to be integrated to the common Big DATABIO Platform. Based on the pilots’ results and new solutions, new business opportunities are expected to grow.
OGC participates in DATABIO with its European business unit. Besides acutal standardization work, OGC-E contributes to the development of the DATABIO architecture and big data platform. These activities are closely linked to Testbed-13 thread “Earth Observation Clouds”, where OGC develops solutions for the Earth Observation community to make arbitray algorithms available to broad user communities by containerizing applications combined with flexible cloud deployment. At the end, any data intensive application shall be deployable on any cloud platform using standardized containers, container descriptions, and Web services to deploy, manage, and execute these applications. Standardization will allow efficient re-use of containerized applications, big data resources, and cloud communitcation technologies.
The project started in January 2017 with a lifetime of 3 years. For further information, please contact initiative director Dr. Ingo Simonis, or visit DATABIO website.