Request Closed: November 20, 2023 9:00 am — January 30, 2024 11:59 pm

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) invites organizations and individuals to join the OGC Climate & Disaster Resilience Pilot 2024 (CDRP24). Building upon the outcomes of previous OGC Disaster Pilots, the OGC Climate Resilience Pilot, and other Climate Initiatives, OGC’s CDRP24 unites the linked challenges of disaster & climate resilience. The Pilot will run from January to June 2024. Funding is available. Applications to participate close January 30, 2024. 

Around the world, organizations and individuals are striving to address the challenges created by climate change, such as more frequent and severe disasters. Due to their wide-ranging effects, everyone stands to benefit from a better understanding of climate change and improved information for decision making during disasters. 

CDRP24 forms part of OGC’s ongoing, multi-year initiative to develop and implement open standards for geospatial data that support research and action across climate change and emergency & disaster response, as well as the creation of climate information products that align with the United Nations’ climate change policy frameworks.

Coordinated by OGC and sponsored by international partner organizations, CDRP24 will elicit requirements, build value chains that transform data into information, and create visualizations and simulations that communicate the value of interoperable systems. CDRP24 activity will work towards specific end-user, stakeholder, and technical goals that advance our climate and/or disaster understanding & readiness while also seeding collaboration between these two connected domains. Focus topics include wildfires, extreme heat and cold, impacts of drought and flood, water management, global stocktake for emissions, and Analysis Ready Data (ARD).

OGC Pilots develop, test and implement open standards-based tools that connect spatial data, analysis, and services. Participate in CDRP24 to help improve data access and enhance decision-making throughout the climate domain and over the life-cycles of disaster management. 

Benefits of participation

  • Use-case providers get to test innovative technologies against their specific requirements.
  • Technical and domain experts gain valuable experience and recognition for their contributions.
  • Data and tool contributors can identify the potential implications of emerging standards early in their development.
  • More generally, OGC Pilot participants grow their professional networks, learn from expert peers, and discover how interoperability can drive innovation in their organizations.

Who should participate

  • Anyone who uses climate resilience and/or disaster resilience data. This includes business and public sector decision makers, policy makers, scientists, and service providers.
  • Anyone developing knowledge products, services, and/or visualizations for the climate and disaster communities. This includes data architects, analysts, and software developers.
  • Anyone representing community groups, 3rd sector organizations, or NGOs engaging with climate change and disaster resilience impacts. 

Participants in the Climate and Disaster Resilience Pilot are co-funded by the Pilot’s Sponsors to provide staff time and expertise, contribute data and infrastructure components, and travel for meetings. The amount of funding for each participant is decided individually based on their scope of work. All participants are expected to provide in-kind support to the Pilot to match the OGC funding they receive. OGC membership fees may be covered through the funding.

The OGC Climate & Disaster Resilience Pilot 2024 will be conducted under OGC’s Collaborative Solutions and Innovation (COSI) Program, a collaborative, agile, and hands-on prototyping and engineering environment where sponsors and OGC members come together to address location interoperability challenges while validating international open standards. To learn about the benefits of sponsoring an OGC COSI Program Initiative such as this, visit the OGC COSI Program webpage.

A Bidders Q&A webinar was held on December 11, 2023.

For more information on CDRP24, including the full Call For Participation document and how to apply to participate, visit the OGC Climate & Disaster Resilience Pilot 2024 webpage. Applications to participate close January 30, 2024.


Analysis Ready Data, Climate, Climate Change, Disaster Management, Disaster Monitoring, Disaster Response