Related Content: OGC API – Processes
OGC Compliance Certification Available for v1.0 of the OGC API – Processes Standard
OGC compliance provides confidence that a product will seamlessly integrate with other compliant solutions, regardless of the vendor that created them.
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The Latest on Cloud-Native Geospatial Standards in OGC
OGC Chief Standards Officer, Scott Simmons, digs into the elements of the cloud ecosystem that OGC is addressing: interfaces, applications, encodings, and operations.
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The 2022 Joint OGC OSGeo ASF Code Sprint – How it went!
Over the past decade, geospatial technologies and data have become more widespread in use and application. A key catalyst for the increased uptake of geospatial...
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Hexagon on the value of collaboration, Standards, and OGC Membership
Hexagon’s long-time support of OGC and our Standards, including our family of OGC APIs, has enabled the Company to learn from, collaborate with, and support the...