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A recap of the 129th OGC Member Meeting, Montreal, Canada
Themed “Standards enabling collaboration for global challenges,” the meeting focused on discussing, aligning, supporting, and promoting geospatial solutions around climate change, disasters, marine, AI/ML, and…
Andreas Matheus receives OGC’s 2024 Gardels Award
Congratulations to Andreas Matheus, awarded the 2024 Gardels Award for his work to ensure best practices in security and API design in OGC.
Standards Enabling Collaboration For Global Challenges
A preview of the 129th Member Meeting, to be held June 17-21 in Montreal, Canada.
Calls and Requests
OGC members can submit proposals for COSI Initiatives when a Call for Participation (CFP) or Sponsorship (CFS) is released. Members of the public are also invited to provide feedback on standards, charters, and other consensus-based activities.
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