
OpenGIS® Simple Features Specifications Available Now

Wayland, MA USA, September 5, 1997 – The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) announced today that its recently announced OpenGIS Simple Features Specifications are now available to the public at .Strong demand for early access to the specifications prompted OGC to make them available during the final editing period.The OGC Technical Committee will make minor revisions during the next two months, leading to release of the Revision 1.0 specifications early in November.The three OpenGIS Simple Feature specifications enable programmers to write application software using interfaces that give applications open access to heterogeneous geographic data sources on three distributed computing platforms: Microsofts OLE/COM, the Object Management Groups CORBA, and SQL.The specifications were reviewed, demonstrated and approved at OGCs August 11-14 Technical Committee and Management Committee meetings at Cambridge University, Cambridge, England.

Wayland, MA USA, September 5, 1997 – The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) announced today that its recently announced OpenGIS Simple Features Specifications are now available to the public at Strong demand for early access to the specifications prompted OGC to make them available during the final editing period. The OGC Technical Committee will make minor revisions during the next two months, leading to release of the Revision 1.0 specifications early in November.The three OpenGIS Simple Feature specifications enable programmers to write application software using interfaces that give applications open access to heterogeneous geographic data sources on three distributed computing platforms: Microsoft's OLE/COM, the Object Management Group's CORBA, and SQL. The specifications were reviewed, demonstrated and approved at OGC's August 11-14 Technical Committee and Management Committee meetings at Cambridge University, Cambridge, England.OGC, an international consortium of more than 100 corporations, agencies and universities, coordinates collaborative development of the OpenGIS Specification and collaborative business development to support full integration of geospatial data and geoprocessing resources into mainstream computing. See– end –“