Request Closed: December 15, 2023 9:00 am — January 5, 2024 11:59 pm

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) membership seeks to form a new Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) Standards Working Group (SWG). Public comment is sought on its draft Charter. Comments are due by January 5, 2024.

LADM is a multi-part Standard published by ISO/TC 211 under ISO 19152. The purpose of LADM is to present and define the fundamental notions, components, and relations in land administration. However, LADM is a conceptual model, not an implementation standard, covering components such as encodings (exchange, DBMS storage,..), code list values management, workflows/processes, etc. Currently, countries implementing LADM have to develop or procure these components before arriving at an operational system. To further facilitate the adoption of LADM and improve interoperability, the LADM SWG is therefore being chartered to develop the Implementation Standard for the mentioned components as an additional Part to the LADM Standard.

An open LADM Implementation Standard will not only reduce implementation costs by providing free, proven technical encodings, but would also enable solution vendors to provide COTS software that works across multiple countries/jurisdictions, rather than having to adapt it to each unique approach.

Further information on the ISO LADM Standard (ISO 19152-1), currently under publication in ISO, is available from the ISO website. The LADM Implementation Standard is planned to ultimately incorporate all five parts of the LADM Conceptual Model:

  • ISO 19152-1 LADM – Part 1: Fundamentals
  • ISO 19152-2 LADM – Part 2: Land registration
  • ISO 19152-3 LADM – Part 3: Marine space georegulation
  • ISO 19152-4 LADM – Part 4: Valuation information
  • ISO 19152-5 LADM – Part 5: Spatial plan information

The OGC LADM SWG will not develop further conceptual model parts of the LADM Standard but will enhance the existing parts. The developed implementation standards for the encodings are also planned to become ISO (TC211) standards, complementing LADM parts 1-5.

The draft Charter for the OGC Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) Standards Working Group (SWG) (23-060) (.DOCX) is available for review and comment on the OGC Portal. Comments are due by January 5, 2024, and should be submitted via the method below.

To Comment: 

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ISO, Land Administration