Request for comment (RFC)

OGC to form Geographic Data Files Standards Working Group; Public Comment sought on Charter

New SWG will create a major revision to the GDF Standard, used for the preparation and exchange of spatial and map data within the Intelligent Transport Systems domain.

Request Closed: February 15, 2024 9:00 am — March 7, 2024 11:59 pm (AoE)

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) membership seeks to form a new Geographic Data Files (GDF) Standards Working Group (SWG). Public comment is sought on its draft Charter. Comments are due by March 7, 2024.

The GDF Standard provides a standardized basis for the preparation and exchange of conformant spatial and map data between various interested parties in the Intelligent Transport Systems domain. Such parties include road operators and administrations, entities working on their behalf, private and public sector survey and mapping companies, and companies providing or supporting road network navigation services.

The OGC GDF SWG is being chartered to create a major revision to the existing GDF Standard (ISO 20524-1:2020 and ISO 20524-2:2020). The GDF Standard has been managed by ISO/TC 204 (Intelligent Transport Systems) through five revisions, but this latest revision has been recommended for work first in OGC to take advantage of the OGC diversity of members and modern aspects of the OGC Standards Baseline for encoding options.

The OGC GDF SWG will create a multipart Standard to provide at least a conceptual model, a logical model, a physical model, and one or more encodings.

The SWG will assess the approach to splitting the conceptual, logical, and physical models into separate parts. ISO has prepared and published a Technical Report (ISO TR 19169:2021) that reviewed the existing GDF Standard (2 Parts) and provides analysis and recommendations that should enable a future revision of the GDF Standard to better align to the principle and concepts used within ISO/TC 211 (Geographic information/Geomatics) Standards.

These recommendations address a range of topics including: modularization of the Standard; the structure of the overall model; the concepts and approach to be used in the generalized conceptual model; GDF catalogues; guidance on encoding rules; aligning terminology between GDF and ISO/TC 211 Standards; aligning GDF time domain syntax with other ISO standards; and adding epoch value to dynamic coordinate reference system in GDF.

The scope of the conceptual and logical models will be informed by the current GDF data model as well as requirements identified in ISO/TC 204 since the time of publication of ISO 20524-1, 2: 2020. Further refinement of the new model content will be determined in SWG meetings and in consultation with other relevant OGC Working Groups and stakeholder communities.

The draft Charter for the Geographic Data Files Standards Working Group (24-004) (.HTML) is available for review and comment on the OGC Portal. Comments are due by March 7, 2024, and should be submitted via the method below.

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