Request Closed: July 5, 2023 9:00 am — August 4, 2023 11:59 pm (AoE)
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) seeks public comment on an update to OGC Abstract Specification Topic 1 – Spatial Schema. Comments are due by August 4, 2023.
The update will align the document with the contents of ISO 19107:2019 Geographic information — Spatial schema.
ISO 19107:2019 “specifies conceptual schemas for describing the spatial characteristics of geographic entities, and a set of spatial operations consistent with these schemas. It treats “vector” geometry and topology. It defines standard spatial operations for use in access, query, management, processing and data exchange of geographic information for spatial (geometric and topological) objects. Because of the nature of geographic information, these geometric coordinate spaces will normally have up to three spatial dimensions, one temporal dimension and any number of other spatially dependent parameters as needed by the applications. In general, the topological dimension of the spatial projections of the geometric objects will be at most three.”
OGC Abstract Specification Topic 1 formerly referenced the 2003 edition of ISO 19107. This update aligns the OGC Abstract Specification with the latest ISO Standard. This Topic is to be multipart: the main part being ISO 19107:2019 and an additional part included that was approved in 2020 (OGC Abstract Specification Topic 1: Features and geometry – Part 1: Feature models (17-087r13)). Further parts may be developed, as necessary.
The OGC Abstract Specification forms the foundation upon which other OGC Standards are built. Many Abstract Specification Topics have been developed by OGC and submitted to ISO, while others were developed by ISO and are used by OGC.
OGC Members interested in staying up to date on the progress of this standard, or contributing to its development, are encouraged to contact the OGC Architecture Board (OAB) via the Technical Committee Chair.
The updated ISO Standard, ISO 19107:2019 Geographic information — Spatial schema, is available from ISO. Comments are due by August 4, 2023, and should be submitted via the method below.
To Comment:
Comments can be submitted to a dedicated email reflector for a period ending on the “Close request date” listed above. Comments received will be consolidated and reviewed by OGC members for incorporation into the document. Please submit your comments via this email address, using this Comments Template for the message body.
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