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CLIMOS and a FAIR data-to-information value chain

The “raw data to information” value chain underpinning Climate Resilience Information Systems (CRIS) is only made possible when the FAIR data principles are respected – that they are Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.

Funding available for creating GeoParquet Developer Resources

OGC has opened a Call For Proposals to receive funding to develop resources to assist implementers of the Standard and support the creation of a robust GeoParquet ecosystem.

OGC Calls for Participation in its Open Science Persistent Demonstrator Pilot

The OSPD Pilot will grow the open science community and make scientific results available to the people who need them most, and in a format they can benefit from.

Webinar: Location Innovation Academy for NMCA

Webinar will serve as an introduction to the Academy for National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies (NMCA), and will focus on the integration of climate and meteorological data into data portals used and provided by NMCA.

Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) published as official OGC Standard

COG allows for the efficient streaming and partial downloading of web-based imagery and grid coverage data for fast visualization and processing.

A recap of the 127th OGC Member Meeting, Singapore

Attendees spent the week discussing the latest geospatial innovations in areas such as GeoAI, Digital Twins, Data Quality, Intelligent Transport, connecting land & sea, and more.

OGC and IDSA sign MoU

OGC and the International Data Spaces Association sign Memorandum of Understanding

OGC & IDSA will work together to contribute to the creation and development of Standards for data spaces that support a flourishing data economy.

CoverageJSON adopted as OGC Community Standard

CoverageJSON v1.0 Adopted as OGC Community Standard

CoverageJSON enables the development of interactive visualizations that display and manipulate spatio-temporal data within a web browser.

OGC Community Impact Award being presented to Wuhan University Professor Peng Yue by Trevor Taylor and Scott Simmons

Wuhan University receives OGC Community Impact Award

The award recognizes OGC members who, through exceptional leadership, volunteerism, collaboration, and investment, have positively impacted the geospatial community.

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