
MilOps Geospatial Interoperability Experiment (MOGIE)

This MilOps Geospatial Interoperability Experiment (MOGIE) experiment demonstrated that the MilOps Domain model and NIEM v2.1 technical concepts work in combination with geospatial standards as defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (e.g., GML, WFS, WCS, WMS, etc.).

MilOps Geospatial Interoperability Experiment (MOGIE)



Command and Control (C2) Core ( was an emerging data exchange capability within Department of Defense over the past three years.  DoD CIO is now moving toward adopting the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) (  C2 Core, which is 93% aligned with NIEM technical standards, will be used as the foundation for developing a Military Operations (MilOps) Domain in NIEM.  The purpose of this experiment is to ensure interoperability of the MilOps Domain with OGC standards and tools build on those standards. This experiment will demonstrate that the MilOps Domain model and NIEM v2.1 technical concepts work in combination with geospatial standards as defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (e.g., GML, WFS, WCS, WMS, etc.).


Initiator Organizations

The OGC members that are acting as initiators of the Interoperability Experiment are:

  • National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency  (NGA)
  • Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI)


The primary focus of this IE is to demonstrate MilOps is compatible with geospatial standards (e.g., GML, KML, WFS, etc.), as follows:

  1. MilOps conformant information exchange packages (IEPs) may contain embedded GML elements, in accordance with the GML Encoding Specification.  Demonstrate by developing at least three MilOps information exchange specifications (IESs) and example IEPs, perhaps for the exchange requirements defined by USMTF message formats such as POSREP, SARIR, SIGACT and ENSIT.
  2. The content from MilOps IEPs, including embedded GML content, may be extracted and transformed into an OGC-standard format (e.g. GML, KML), and then plotted on a map.
  3. The content from MilOps IEPs may be made available through a WFS-conforming interface (possibly transformed to GML or KML format), and then plotted on a map.
  4. The content from MilOps IEPs may be transformed to OGC-standard formats and/or made available through a WFS-conforming interface without loss of accuracy or precision.

The desired outcome of this IE is to:

  1. Successfully demonstrate that MilOps is fully compatible and supports in all of the areas of interest listed above, or
  2. If areas are identified in the IE where MilOps is not compatible and does not support the areas of interest above, then attempt to develop a technical solution in MilOps to resolve the incompatibility and rerun that portion of the experiment to successfully demonstrate MilOps compatibility and support for the areas previously shown not to be supported, or
  3. If incompatibilities previously identified are not resolved in MilOps, submit change request to OGC and recommend including them in a future test bed.


This experiment is designed to demonstrate that MilOps works in combination with geospatial standards.  The results of the experiment will be documented in an engineering report, and may result in change requests to MilOps or OGC standards as appropriate. Participants in the IE are expected to contribute to the engineering report.  In addition, the artifacts from this experiment will be used as a basis for future tutorials demonstrating how to properly implement MilOps using embedded external standards such as GML. These tutorials will be made available to the community on the MilOps Developer Support Network.