3D Portrayal IE
For more information please contact innovation@ogc.org
The 3D Portrayal Interoperability Experiment (IE) successfully tested and demonstrated different mechanisms for the portrayal, delivery, and exploitation of 3D geodata based on open standards-based formats and services. The IE intended to identify, test, and further develop technologies and workflows that may be the foundation of spatial data infrastructures with a requirement for rapid visualization of extremely large and complex 3D geodata. Main focus of the IE was on draft candidate standards for Web 3D Service and Web View Service. The IE included digital landscape models, city models, and interior models, e.g., in the CityGML data format, as well as different client configurations. The IE clarified the specifics of 3D portrayal services and provided best practices and guidelines for their implementation, integration, and usage. Additionally, the activities and findings of the IE participants will directly support and influence further standardization efforts in service-based 3D portrayal.
Results of this IE have been published as an OGC Engineering Report, OGC 12-075 (https://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=49068).
Initiator Organizations
The OGC members that acted as initiators of the Interoperability Experiment are:
- Hasso-Plattner-Institut at the University of Potsdam (HPI)
- GIScience at the University of Heidelberg (GIScience)
- Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research (IGD)
To test the interoperability along the visualization pipeline, the 3D Portrayal IE tested server-side issues as well as client-server interaction:
- Advance and harmonize developments of Web 3D Service (W3DS) and Web View Service (WVS) candidate standards.
- Test the applicability of W3DS-based and WVS-based 3D portrayal approaches for different client platforms, including thick clients, web-based clients, and mobile clients.
- Test the compatibility of 3D portrayal based on W3DS and WVS with standards-based data formats, including, e.g., CityGML.
- Lower the barriers for the implementation, integration, and usage of 3D portrayal capabilities.
Members of the 3DIM Domain Working Group are drafting service specification candidates for 3D portrayal services: Web 3D Service (W3DS) and Web View Service (WVS). These services represent major building blocks of distributed spatial data infrastructures: Various applications and systems could benefit from their capabilities to present, explore, and analyze complex 3D geodata and could complement workflows or create totally new insights into geo-spatial information and processes. This Interoperability Experiment (IE) was proposed to advance the development of these services, as well as to set up a 3D portrayal framework that includes the whole visualization pipeline, that is based on interoperable OGC standards, and that lowers the barriers for the implementation and usage of service-based 3D portrayal capabilities.
Startup Activity Plan submission: March 2011 OGC Review Board approval: April 2011 |
Execution Kickoff date (execution start date): 26 May 2011 Work Item 1 (Data Integration) May 2011 – July 2011 Work Item 2 (Service Integration) July – September 2011 Work Item 3 (Service Delivery) July – September 2011 Planned end date: October 2011 |
Wrap-up and Reporting Technology Demonstration November 2011 Final report submission August 2012 |
Results of this IE have been published as OGC Engineering Report, OGC 12-075 (https://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=49068).
Additional project details are available on the project Wiki. NOTE: You must have been a 3DPIE participant or Observer to access the Wiki.
Intellectual property (IP) brought to the IE will remain with the participants. IP related to advancement of specific agency information systems will also remain with the participants.