
The OGC invites review of location data standards in energy and utility worlds

12 Sep 2013 – The OGC Energy & Utilities Domain Working Group (E&U DWG) invites you to attend presentations on Location Communication in Energy and Utility Worlds in sessions at the upcoming OGC Technical Committee Meetings.The OGC Energy & Utilities Domain Working Group sessions will be held from 1745 CET to 1840 CET on September 23 and 24, 2013.Joining this listserve will also keep you informed about the Energy & Utilities Domain Working Groups activities.For information about joining the OGC and the OGC Energy and Utilities Domain Working Group, contact Renee Bogle Hughes.Renee is Chair of the OGC Energy & Utilities Domain Working Group and Principal at Energy Transformation Consulting.

12 Sep 2013 – The OGC Energy & Utilities Domain WorkingGroup (E&U DWG) invitesyou to attend presentations on LocationCommunication in Energy and Utility Worlds in sessions at the upcoming OGCTechnical Committee Meetings. This is a unique venue for networking, learningabout the OGC's standards development and relationship building processes, and shapingstandards infrastructure to support institutional cooperation.

The OGC Energy& Utilities Domain Working Group sessions will be held from 1745 CET to1840 CET on September 23 and 24, 2013.

The OGC TechnicalCommittee Meetings will be held in Frascati, Italy. Registration forthe OGC TechnicalCommittee meeting entitles participants to attend all TechnicalCommittee plenary sessions and all of the Domain Working Group meetings. Registerat you are not able to attend the Technical Committee meeting but areinterested in attending in the OGCEnergy & Utilities Domain Working Group sessionsremotely, join the OGCEnergy-utilities.dwg listserve for dial-in or logininstructions, which will soon be sent to members of this list. Joining thislistserve will also keep you informed about the Energy & Utilities Domain Working Group's activities.


September 23, 1745CET to 1840 CET:

  • “Semantic3D City Models for Strategic Energy Planning in Berlin & London”
     Tatjana Kutzner, TechnischeUniversität München
  • “WhyEnergy Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) and Integrated Community Energy Solutionsare essential resources for Smart Cities”
     Eddie Oldfield, Principal,Spatial Quest Solutions; Member, National Advisory Committee, QUEST Canada.
  • “Whythe development of a 'CarbonML' encoding standard will revolutionize the CarbonTrading World”
     Jamie Gairns, Offsetters

September 24, 1745CET to 1840 CET:

  • “TheCritical Role of Pipeline Open Data Standards (PODS) in Pipeline IntegrityManagement”
     Janet Sinclair, Executive Director PODS 
  • “Energy Balancing Information Facility. A Smart Griduse case about integration of location into management of energy resources.”
     Paul Janssen, Geonovum, Cerise-Smart Grid Project)
  • “Opportunitiesfor OGC Standards-based AR Systems in Energy and Utilities”
     Mike Reynolds, Augmented Technologies, and Christine Perey, PEREYResearch & Consulting.

For informationabout joining the OGC and the OGC Energy and Utilities Domain Working Group,contact Renee Bogle Hughes. Renee is Chair of the OGC Energy & UtilitiesDomain Working Group and Principal at Energy Transformation Consulting., phone +1-610-812-5718.

The OGC Energy & Utilities Domain WorkingGroup (E&U DWG) waschartered last year in acknowledgement of the significant and far reachingglobal opportunity that collaboration can play in maximizing the value ofinformation technology for the international Energy and Utilities industry.This working group is focused on identifying the relative value of communicating”where” in a broad range of decision making and analytics scenarios inthe Energy and Utilities ecosystem. The scope of the working group's interoperabilityefforts includes data and systems that are traditionallyassociated with “smart grid,” as well asinteroperability needs related to oil and gas pipelinesafety, smarter cities, integrated community energy strategies,energy efficient buildings, reduced power outage restoration times andother energy and utility activities. 

About the OGC

The OGC is an international consortium of more than 475 companies, government agencies,research organizations and universities participating in a consensus process todevelop publicly available geospatial standards. OGC standards supportinteroperable solutions that “geo-enable” the Web, mainstream IT, andwireless and location-based services. OGC standards empower technologydevelopers to make geospatial information and services accessible and usefulwith any application that needs to be geospatially enabled. Visit the OGCwebsite at