
OGC Calls for Participation in Geo4NIEM Initiative to enhance geospatial capabilities for the the US National Information Exchange Model (NIEM)

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) has issued a Request for Quotations/Call for Participation (RFQ/CFP) to solicit proposals in response to requirements for the OGC Geo4NIEM Project.The Geo4NIEM Initiative will result in recommendations to enhance the geospatial capabilities within the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM).Sponsors have identified specific Information Exchange Packages (IEPs) from Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Justice/Law Enforcement domain, and the Maritime domain as representative examples for investigation in this initiative.The Justice/Law Enforcement domain in NIEM is defined by the Global Justice XML Data Model (Global JXDM).The Maritime domain supports the effective understanding of anything associated with global maritime that could impact the United States security, safety, economy, or environment.

14 February2013. The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) has issued a Request forQuotations/Call for Participation (RFQ/CFP) to solicit proposals in response torequirements for the OGC Geo4NIEM Project. The Geo4NIEM Initiative will resultin recommendations to enhance the geospatial capabilities within the NationalInformation Exchange Model (NIEM). Sponsors have identified specificInformation Exchange Packages (IEPs) from Department of Homeland Security(DHS), Justice/Law Enforcement domain, and the Maritime domain asrepresentative examples for investigation in this initiative.

TheRFQ/CFP is available at for submitting questions on the RFQ/CFP is 5pm EST on 21 February 2013.More information is available at the above URL. Responses are due by 5 pm ESTon 4 March 2013.

The Pointof Contact is Lew Leinenweber:

Geo4NIEMInitiative sponsors are:

  • ProgramManager – Information Sharing Environment (PM-ISE)
  • NationalInformation Exchange Model – Program Management Office (NIEM PMO)

The focusof Geo4NIEM project will be to address requirements in the context of thefollowing information exchange domain areas:

Justice/LawEnforcement. The Justice/Law Enforcement domain in NIEM isdefined by the Global Justice XML Data Model (Global JXDM). The Global JusticeXML Data Model (Global JXDM) is an XML-based framework that enables the US justiceand public safety communities to effectively share information at all levels.

MaritimeDomain Awareness. The Maritime domain supports the effectiveunderstanding of anything associated with global maritime that could impact theUnited States' security, safety, economy, or environment. NIEM facilitates thisunderstanding through effective, timely sharing of vital, secure informationamong many key partners by representing vessels, people, cargo, andmaritime locations and activities.

TheGeo4NIEM Project has been organized to address specific functional requirementsto meet the following objectives:

  • Developrecommendations for the inclusion and standard use of embedded GML with NIEMIEP documents (IEPDs).
  • Developrecommendations for the standardized use of Naming and Design Rules and the useof adaptors (e.g. NIEM wrapper for GML).
  • Test anddemonstrate use of a standardized embedded GML and adaptors within NIEM IEPDs.
  • DevelopArchitecture documentation and a fact sheet for the use of embedded GML andadaptors for use with NIEM IEPDs.
  • DevelopRecommendations for the inclusion of a Geospatial Domain within NIEM.

The OGC®is an international consortium of more than 480 companies, government agencies,research organizations, and universities participating in a consensus processto develop publicly available geospatial standards. OGC Standards supportinteroperable solutions that “geo-enable” the Web, wireless andlocation-based services, and mainstream IT. Visit the OGC website at