Defense and Intelligence Domain Working Group


The mission of the Defense and Intelligence Domain Working Group (DI DWG) is to provide a forum for the defense and intelligence community to exchange information on geospatial requirements, standards, and compliance to facilitate the development and implementation of commercial software solutions.

Project Scope

The DI DWG will focus on the defense and intelligence community, which is defined as individuals and organizations engaged in geospatial activities for military purposes. This community consists of government, industry, academia and non-government agencies. While membership in the defense component of the community is relatively clear, the intelligence component requires further definition. The intelligence component for this group relates to defense intelligence, including geospatial intelligence in a defense context. The following areas of intelligence will be considered out-of-scope for this DWG: law enforcement, public security, disaster management, and emergency management.


The defense and intelligence geospatial community is actively adopting, profiling, and implementing OGC standards. This community requires an industry forum that can review requirements,  specifications, and use cases , share implementation experience and interoperability program engineering report to ensure the availability of conformant software for their operations. The DI DWG will facilitate information exchange and collaboration between agencies and industry by focusing on the engagement of industry within this community to help OGC Standards Working Groups develop standards that meet military requirements. Other groups already exist to coordinate geospatial activities in the defense and intelligence community with a non-industry focus, hence, the DI DWG will fill the gap with industry representation.


The key activities of this DWG include:

  • Gathering and articulating community-driven business and technical requirements for geospatial interoperability.
  • Engaging with industry to provide feedback on the identified business and technical requirements.
  • Evaluating and showcasing commercial software solutions targeted at meeting requirements.
  • Reviewing and presenting geospatial standards tailored to the community, ensuring alignment with their needs.
  • Facilitating the creation of OGC pilot projects, compliance test procedures, and special communities of interest to promote new initiatives.
  • Fostering community participation and managing the DWG as a collaborative community of practice.


The DI DWG is closely aligned with the Security DWG and the Space Standards DWG.


Group Chairs – Lucio Colaiacomo (European Union Satellite Centre), Amanda Morgan (US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA))

Please join the DI DWG mailing list to stay up-to-date on group activities and post questions for this community of experts.


AI/ML, Defense, Geospatial, GIS, Intelligence, Remote Sensing

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