
The Open Geospatial Consortium and TM Forum agree to jointly address location information issues in the telecommunications industry

Mark Reichardt, president and CEO of the Open Geospatial Consortium, explained, Location and the communications infrastructure are linked in emergency management, cyber security, Building Information Models, transportation and many other domains.Given this reality, there are many areas in which TM Forum and the OGC can work together to advance our respective missions.OGC standards support interoperable solutions that geo-enable the Web, wireless and location-based services and mainstream IT.About TM Forum: With over 900 member companies, TM Forum is the largest global trade association focused on bringing together the digital ecosystem, including communication service providers, digital service providers and enterprises, with the goal of enabling an open digital world.For more information about TM Forum, visit

23 October 2013. TMForum and the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) recently signed a liaisonagreement to provide value for the members of each organization by connectingthe OGC's location standards framework and industry consensus process to TM Forum'score competency programs, vertical industry initiatives, and Frameworx standardsand best practices, which have been adopted by four out of five global serviceproviders.

Mark Reichardt, president and CEO of the Open GeospatialConsortium, explained, “Location and the communications infrastructure arelinked in emergency management, cyber security, Building Information Models,transportation and many other domains. Given this reality, there are many areasin which TM Forum and the OGC can work together to advance our respective missions.Through this partnership we will seek to collaboratively advancestandards-based best practices to further the location enablement of digitalservices to serve a wide range of stakeholders. Near term, we have many commoninterests and domain focus areas such as eHealth, the Smart Grid and SmartCities, We look forward to working with TM Forum in all of these areas.”

“With thedigital economy growing at a staggering rate, this partnership is really aboutcreating value for both of our organizations' members by working together onthe development and integration of location standards,” said Craig Bachmann, director,industry initiatives, TM Forum. “As we invest in smart grid, M2M and digitalhealth initiatives, integrating location standards into Frameworx has becomecritical to our success.”

About the OGC: The OGCis an international consortium of more than 475 companies, government agencies,research organizations, and universities participating in a consensus processto develop publicly available geospatial standards. OGC standards supportinteroperable solutions that “geo-enable” the Web, wireless andlocation-based services and mainstream IT. OGC standards empower technologydevelopers to make geospatial information and services accessible and usefulwith any application that needs to be geospatially enabled. Visit the OGCwebsite at

About TM Forum:Withover 900 member companies, TM Forum is the largest global trade associationfocused on bringing together the digital ecosystem, including communicationservice providers, digital service providers and enterprises, with the goal ofenabling an open digital world. The Forum delivers a wealth of knowledge andpractical tools, including unique research, best practices and standards. Ourmembers collaborate to rapidly solve business issues in critical areas, such asbusiness process optimization, big data analytics, cloud management, customerexperience management and security.

The Forum has four key roles—to Inform, Innovate, Accelerateand Optimize—and provides a neutral and open platform for collaboration betweenservice providers, enterprises and their suppliers to overcome the barriers toan open digital economy. For more information about TM Forum, visit