
The OGC® seeks public participation in Development of CityGML 3.0

In 2008 it was adopted by the OGC membership as an international OGC standard.Active participation in the CityGML 3.0 development process does not require OGC membership.To be most effective, organizations and individuals responding to this CFP should plan to fully participate in the CityGML 3.0 development activities.Responses to the CFP are requested by the time of the 10 June 2014 kickoff of CityGML 3.0 development at the OGC Technical Committee meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.Note, however, that this CFP will remain open for the duration of the CityGML 3.0 development process.

19 May 2014 – The OpenGeospatial Consortium (OGC®) Membership seeks organizations and individuals to participate inthe development of the next major version of the OGC City Geography Markup Language (CityGML). See the Call forParticipation at

CityGML is a comprehensiveopen data model framework and XML-based encoding standard for the modeling,storage, and exchange of virtual 3D city and landscape models. In 2008 it wasadopted by the OGC membership as an international OGC standard. CityGML isbeing implemented across Europe, Canada, the Middle East and Asia. It has evenbeen adopted by several countries including The Netherlands and Germany as an officialnational and municipal 3D geo information standard, and it has been adapted aspart of the European Union's common spatial data infrastructure INSPIRE.

CityGML is implemented asan application schema of the OGC Geography Markup Language 3 (GML3) EncodingStandard (, an internationalstandard for spatial data exchange and encoding approved by the OGC and ISO.

Since the release ofCityGML 2.0, a number of CityGML change requests have been submitted to theOGC. In June 2013, further requirements and ideas guiding the development ofCityGML 3.0 were gathered and discussed at an international workshop jointlyhosted by the OGC and the Special Interest Group 3D (SIG 3D). All presentation slides and the minutes of the workshopare available here: . The outcomes of this ongoing discussion areformally captured in a list of work packages that define the overall work scopefor CityGML 3.0. Examples of the identified work include changes to CityGML'slevel-of-detail concept, additional semantic model structures such as buildingstoreys, floor plans and utility networks, as well as new complex attributes suchas time series and metadata. To the extent feasible, new features will minimizeimpacts on backwards compatibility that might affect the many communities usingthe current version of CityGML.

The OGC solicits input andexpertise from CityGML users, data producers, software vendors, and scientistsin order to identify participants willing to contribute to and able to assumeownership for the work of the work packages under the joint leadership of the OGC CityGML Standard Working Group (SWG) and the SIG 3D. This call explicitly includes non-OGCmembers. Active participation in the CityGML 3.0 development process does notrequire OGC membership. To be most effective, organizations and individualsresponding to this CFP should plan to fully participate in the CityGML 3.0development activities.

Responses to the CFP arerequested by the time of the 10 June 2014 kickoff of CityGML 3.0 development atthe OGC Technical Committee meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. Note, however, thatthis CFP will remain open for the duration of the CityGML 3.0 developmentprocess.

All OGC standards are free and publicly available.

The OGC is an international consortium of more than 475 companies,government agencies, research organizations, and universities participating ina consensus process to develop publicly available geospatial standards. OGCStandards support interoperable solutions that “geo-enable” the Web,wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT. OGC Standards empowertechnology developers to make geospatial information and services accessibleand useful with any application that needs to be geospatially enabled. Visitthe OGC website at