
The OGC(R) Announces Learning Resources for Geospatial Standards

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) announces an important new set of public resources for learning about, developing and implementing interoperable geospatial capabilities.The OGC Learn page is interactive.The Learn page is part of OGC NetworkTM, a window onto the dynamic, constantly changing Geospatial Web as described by the OGC Reference Model (ORM) ( the OGC NetworkTM site developers and geodata coordinators can quickly locate OGC-compatible geospatial Web services, the latest XML schema documents, discussion forums, compliance testing resources, and GML profile working areas.It provides the latest information on OGC-compatible software, services, and information models (GML profiles, Style Layer Descriptor (SLD) examples, etc.).

August 26, 2009, Wayland, Massachusetts. The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) announces an important new set of public resources for learning about, developing and implementing interoperable geospatial capabilities.  The OGCNetwork “Learn” page ( offers links to

  * Courses, journals, and professional papers
  * Articles
  * Compliance testing information
  * Conference presentations by OGC staff and members
  * Discussion forums
  * Document motions from OGC meetings
  * Email discussion lists
  * Links to videos
  * OGC policy guidance on Lat/Lon axis order
  * OGC standards document catalog
  * OGC Interoperability Days event information
  * Tutorials on developing implementations of OGC standards, such as the OpenGIS® Web Map (WMS) Service, Web Coverage Service (WCS), Sensor Observation Service (SOS), and Geography Markup Language (GML) in JPEG 2000 standards.

The OGC Learn page is interactive. Users are encouraged to post updates using the comment feature.

The Learn page is part of OGC NetworkTM, a window onto the dynamic, constantly changing Geospatial Web as described by the OGC Reference Model (ORM) ( OGC Network supports multiple communities of interest involved in geospatial interoperability, and it provides examples of working software, services, and information models (GML profiles, SLD examples, etc.). From the OGC NetworkTM site developers and geodata coordinators can quickly locate OGC-compatible geospatial Web services, the latest XML schema documents, discussion forums, compliance testing resources, and GML profile working areas. It provides the latest information on OGC-compatible software, services, and information models (GML profiles, Style Layer Descriptor (SLD) examples, etc.).

The OGC® is an international industry consortium of more than 385 companies, government agencies, research organizations, and universities participating in a consensus process to develop publicly available interface specifications. OpenGIS® Specifications support interoperable solutions that “geo-enable” the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT. The specifications empower technology developers to make complex spatial information and services accessible and useful with all kinds of applications. Visit the OGC website at