
OGC invites you to its CDB Vector Data in GeoPackage Interoperability Experiment

Participants in this IE will have the opportunity to explore one or more design alternatives using Geopackage to encode vector data in their own CDB implementationsThe Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) invites interested members & non-members to participate in the CDB Vector Data in GeoPackage Interoperability Experiment.The currently approved OGC CDB 1.1 Standard , as well as previous versions, have only described the use of Shapefiles to encode vector data.The objectives of this Interoperability Experiment are to:Evaluate options for encoding vector data in OGC CDB 1.1 using OGC GeoPackage.This IE will test encoding of vector data via GeoPackage in the OGC CDB 1.1, following some of the approaches highlighted in the aforementioned CDB Leveraging GeoPackage white paper.To learn more about this IE, including how to join, please visit the CDB Vector Data in GeoPackage Interoperability Experiment webpage .

Participants in this IE will have the opportunity to explore one or more design alternatives using Geopackage to encode vector data in their own CDB implementations

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) invites interested members & non-members to participate in the CDB Vector Data in GeoPackage Interoperability Experiment.

The CDB standard defines a structured data store for a geospatial content and model definition repository that enables clients to simultaneously retrieve and modify data in real-time. The currently approved OGC CDB 1.1 Standard, as well as previous versions, have only described the use of Shapefiles to encode vector data. The OGC CDB Leveraging GeoPackage White Paper, published in October 2018, provides background information on the use of Geopackage for encoding vector data, and suggests design alternatives that may improve performance and utility.

Participants in this IE will have the opportunity to explore one or more design alternatives using Geopackage to encode vector data in their own CDB implementations, and contribute to the Engineering Report that will summarize the overall results with regard to performance, efficiency, and backwards compatibility.

GeoPackage is an OGC Encoding Standard that enables the storage of vector features, attributes, tile matrices, as well as other data within an SQLite database. Geopackage has been implemented in more than 20 geospatial products. A compliance test is also available from OGC providing developers of existing and future implementations a way to guarantee that their software will 'just work' with other implementations of GeoPackage.

The objectives of this Interoperability Experiment are to:

  • Evaluate options for encoding vector data in OGC CDB 1.1 using OGC GeoPackage.   The evaluations will explore content creation, run-time performance, and backwards-compatibility issues.
  • Prepare an OGC Engineering Report that presents the results along with a plan for submission of Change Request Proposals to existing OGC CDB 1.1 Standard and Best Practices documents.


This IE will test encoding of vector data via GeoPackage in the OGC CDB 1.1, following some of the approaches highlighted in the aforementioned CDB Leveraging GeoPackage white paper.

To learn more about this IE, including how to join, please visit the CDB Vector Data in GeoPackage Interoperability Experiment webpage. If you're interested in commenting on or participating in this IE, please contact


About OGC

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is an international consortium of more than 525 companies, government agencies, research organizations, and universities participating in a consensus process to develop publicly available geospatial standards. OGC standards support interoperable solutions that ‘geo-enable' the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT. OGC standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services accessible and useful within any application that needs to be geospatially enabled. Visit the OGC website at