
OGC Introduces Visiting Fellow Program

OGC Visiting Fellow(s) will bring diversity to OGC’s technical and market thought-leadership, keeping the Consortium responsive and proactive to our community’s – and wider society’s – needs.

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is excited to announce its new Visiting Fellow program, launching in 2021. The program has been established to support OGC’s integrated standards and innovation strategy, which falls under the leadership of OGC’s Chief Standards Officer (CSO), Scott Simmons, and Chief Technology and Innovation Officer (CTIO), Dr. Ingo Simonis.

The program will welcome highly accomplished, seasoned experts from around the world to augment OGC’s leadership team with external targeted expertise and support the strategic objectives of the Consortium for durations of 3-9 months.

OGC Visiting Fellow(s) will be selected for their deep understanding of OGC and the potential of our offerings as well as a breadth of knowledge typical of a Chief Architect, Chief Technology Officer, Chief Market Analyst, and/or Strategic Investment Expert. OGC Visiting Fellows will support OGC’s strategic vision with their valuable perspectives and knowledge on the latest technologies, applications, trends, and other expert insights from across the broad swathe of global Location users.

OGC is a global hub for thought-leadership, innovation, and Standards for all things related to Location. With Location now mainstream, OGC works with diverse technology domains, at various degrees of maturity, often connected only by their use of Location to create value. The challenge of coordinating work across these domains occurs within the context of an ever-accelerating pace of technological, market, societal, and environmental change. In order to lead in this environment, and to strengthen our community’s technical excellence in thought and execution, OGC is launching a Visiting Fellow program.

“We strongly believe that this program will bring in the necessary diversity of technical and market thought-leadership required to help keep OGC ahead of the curve – and hence responsive and proactive to our community’s needs while remaining committed to positive impacts on society,” said OGC President Bart De Lathouwer. “OGC Visiting Fellows will benefit from a unique opportunity to experience, inform, and influence OGC at a level not previously seen.”

OGC Visiting Fellows can be financed by any of the OGC Programs, or, via a secondment agreement with a Principal or Strategic member.

If you are interested in the OGC Visiting Fellow program and wish to be considered, contact OGC using the form at